The Building Licenses application is a place that will prepare a candidate applying for building licenses.
The construction license exam is conducted twice a year, in 11 specialties. Our application will comprehensively prepare you for both written and oral exams.
In one place you will find access to:
- test questions for the Written Exam,
- questions and answers for the Oral Exam,
- Legal Acts, knowledge of which is necessary to pass the exam.
The program is available for download on the GooglePlay store, App Store and directly on our website:
You buy CHEAPER in a package! The purchase includes free updates during the license period. The program has been updated for the next examination session in 2024.
The BUILDING LICENSES application contains a database of questions in the following specialties:
- construction and construction,
- architectural,
- sanitary,
- electric,
- bridge,
- road,
- telecommunications,
- railway (traffic control),
- railway (railway facilities),
- hydrotechnical,
- demolition.
The test application prepares candidates for the written exam. These are the questions that will appear on your exam card. For each question we indicate the correct answer.
Each question is accompanied by a hint in the form of a quoted fragment of the legal act to which the question relates. Additionally, some of the questions come with a drawing hint that you will easily remember for a long time.
If you would like to view the content of the entire legal act to which the question refers, you can also quickly do so by clicking the act icon.
The program's functionality enables effective learning:
- ask until completed option - repeat this question after the end of a given round,
- favorite questions - if you mark a question with an asterisk, you will place it in the pool of favorite questions, which create an independent set of questions,
- full statistics enabling you to track your progress in both exam and study mode,
- arranging questions in a convenient way - randomly or sequentially, in accordance with the order of paragraphs and articles in the legal act,
- reporting a question - if you have any doubts about a question, report it and we will respond to your comment in an e-mail
The program is definitely the top program available on the market.
This part of the program contains questions for the oral exam. The questions are prepared for the next exam session. These are the questions that will appear on the exam cards.
The questions for the oral exam include questions on the practical use of the provisions of the Construction Law, questions on the specialty of construction licenses, on the practical scope of applying technical knowledge and questions on solving a design problem or during construction work. All these questions are in the application. Each question has an answer. In case of questions relating to legal provisions or standards, the legal basis is provided.
The application is intuitive and easy to use. It allows you to work in two modes: learning and exam. The program's functionality makes learning enjoyable:
- reading function - allows you to listen to questions with answers, e.g. while traveling, which is a great convenience,
- favorite questions function (star),
- repeating the selected question.
The application gives access to the full content of legal acts. The set of legal acts is compatible with the list of regulations published by the Chamber before each examination session. When selecting the specialty in which the construction license exam is taken, a set of laws and regulations assigned to this specialty will appear.
Each legal act in the application has a unified form, which means that all changes are introduced directly to the content of this act.
Purchasing the program is tantamount to accepting the license agreement available at: